Hand & Wrist Injuries

Hand & Wrist Injuries

Understanding your hand and wrist fracture injury or complex fracture is important. Our dedicated team of expert orthopedic doctors in Ahmedabad have developed this patient eudcation section to help you understand your fracture better and how we can help fix, correct and heal you as quickly and safely as possible. Dr. Pranav A. Shah and his team of the best orthopedic doctors in Ahmedabad have been able to successfully solve the hardest of complex fracture of the shoulder type of cases in just a short period of time for most patients ensuring that they had an excellent near perfect full recovery post operation in 99% of the cases. The patient testimonials and case studies presented on the website provide ample evidence that Dr. Pranav Shah and his team of the best orthopedic surgeons in Ahmedaad are amongst the best orthopedic doctors in Gujarat and Rajasthan. The expert Complex Fracture orthopedic doctor team performs at a world class facility CIMS Hospital in Ahmedabad, which has been rated as the best hospital in Gujarat for the year 2018 and is located in India.

Introduction of Region :

The hand is made up of many bones that form its supporting framework. This frame acts as a point of attachment for the muscles that make the wrist and fingers move. A fracture occurs when enough force is applied to a bone to break it. When this happens, there is pain, swelling, and decreased use of the injured part. Many people think that a fracture is different from a break, but they are the same.

Causes of Fracture :

A wrist fracture occurs from an injury such as falling down onto an outstretched hand. Severe trauma such as car accidents, motorcycle accidents or falls from a ladder cause more severe injuries. Weak bones (for example, in osteoporosis) tend to break more easily.

Do I Require Surgery ? :

A splint or cast may be used to treat a fracture that is not displaced, or to protect a fracture that has been set. Some displaced fractures may need to be set and then held in place with wires or pins without making an incision. This is called closed reduction and internal fixation.
Other fractures may need surgery to set the bone (open reduction). Once the bone fragments are set, they are held together with pins, plates, or screws. Fractures that disrupt the joint surface (articular fractures) usually need to be set more precisely to restore the joint surface as smooth as possible. On occasion, bone may be missing or be so severely crushed that it cannot be repaired. In such cases, a bone graft may be necessary. In this procedure, bone is taken from another part of the body to help provide more stability. Sometimes bone graft substitutes may be used instead of taking bone from another part of the body.

What are the Benefits of Surgery ? :

The advantages of having surgery can include :
  • Less pain
  • Improved hand function
  • Improved appearance of hands.

What is the recovery process ? :

Elevation is key to reducing swelling. Therefore, it is critical that an elevated position is maintained throughout the day and at night. Patients should NEVER keep their hand down by their side for a prolonged period of time. Attend physical therapy with a Certified Hand Therapist. Usually, fractures of the hand will heal by six weeks. But physical therapy and exercises are stated much earlier. Your doctor may suggest some splint to help reduce swelling and improve pain.

What are the risks in the Surgery ? :

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the most common complications associated with hand surgery are the following :
  • infection
  • poor healing
  • loss of sensation or range of motion in the hand
  • formation of blood clots
  • allergic reactions to the anesthesia
  • Stiffness or poor function
Complications are relatively infrequent with hand surgery, however, and most can be successfully treated.

Does Age Affect Recovery ? :

Yes,younger patient can heal faster and bear pain better. But, overall results suggest no significant difference in healing in different age groups.