Deformity Correction Guide

Deformity correction is a surgical procedure used to either correct or improve the deformity caused due to a disease or an injury to bone or joint or growth plate.

Types of Deformity Correction

Deformity can be either congenital or acquired.

  • Congenital deformity are the ones that develops during early childhood and may include spinal deformity like kyphosis or scoliosis or leg deformities like knock knees or bow legs.
  • Acquired deformity on the other hand can be a result of abnormal posture or mal union of a fracture or joint destruction by fibrosis or arthritis.

What Deformity Does

  • Due to the presence of deformity one’s ability to do the daily routine like a normal person is altered.
  • Due to the presence of deformity the range of that particular joint is restricted.
  • Many leisure or sports activities become restricted as deformity doesn’t allow the person to do them.
  • Due to the presence of deformity one might be not comfortable to stand in crowd unnoticed, as a result person is always uncomfortable.

Importance of Deformity Correction

  • To stand in a crowd as equal
  • Do movements without restrictions or pain
  • Become self independent/ ambulation
  • Be able to do daily activities without difficulties

Treatment of Deformity Correction

With the help of either conservative or surgical method one can overcome the deformity or improve it.

Conservative method :

  • In conservative method the deformity is treated without any invasion into the tissues.
  • This is mostly done using braces and splints and stretching exercises.
  • Mostly useful in congenital deformity, at an early age.
  • No instant change is seen but correction is gradual.

Surgical method :

  • In surgical method the deformity is corrected using pins and screws with an invasion in the tissues by surgery.
  • The procedure requires skill and experience and requires care after the surgery, to avoid its reoccurrence.
  • Any deformity either congenital or acquired can be treated using surgical methods to varying degrees of correction.

Rehabilitation in Deformity Correction

  • Rehabilitation phase is the treatment plan required after the deformity has been corrected to prevent recurrence.
  • Once the deformity has been treated one can work on the strengthening exercises to regain the strength of the affected joint.
  • The exercise plan depends on the site of deformity and how the person reacts to the exercise treatment plan.
  • With the help of the exercise treatment plan one can gradually participate in daily routine activities and sometimes sports also.